Monday, April 29, 2013

In the beginning...

So I used to have a tot site so friends and family from far away could keep in touch and watch the kids grow up.   Not to anyone's surprise, having three kids and constantly trying to find employment, run to different activities, study for a bar exam, and visit family takes up a lot of time.  I forgot my old cite, forgot my log in, and have now decided to start blogging to keep everyone in the loop.  So if you don't want to see cute kids and dogs running around on your computer screen, this is not the blog for you :) Now on to the first post:

Spring has sprung and so has Riley's baseball season.  We are now in the midst of juggling school, preschool, dance classes, and baseball until June 15.  Fun for us.  In the middle of all that we are taking a vacation to DisneyWorld (which I am more excited than the kids at this point...except for Riley, he remembers some of Disney and can't wait to go back), and throwing my thirtieth birthday and mother's day into the mix.  So we are pretty much running around like lunatics for a few weeks, but Riley is loving baseball! He is getting a lot better in his new league (he moved to machine pitch from t-ball) and loves that kids will actually hit a ball in the outfield.  He is finally interested, instead of staring at the sky or playing in the dirt the whole game (which he still does occasionally).  His new team is the Vinton Mudcats and he gets to be #8, but a lot of his teammates from t-ball were put on the Vinton BlueJays, so he have a hard time missing his old buddies.  They were able to play a scrimmage game a few weeks ago, so it was nice to see everyone again, and Riley enjoyed hanging out with his old pals. 

Brynn is doing well in gymnastics when she feels like going ;)  On days when she cooperates, she does really well and is picking up the moves quickly.  On days when she doesn't feel like participating we end up going home early to keep her from screaming at the teacher and everyone in the class.  So far we have had more happy days than screamfests, and we are considering taking her out to try something else for a month or two.  She is starting to get more girlie and wants to have her nails painted and wear dresses more.  She is talking about ear piercing, but we aren't sure if we are going to go down that road again right now.  We are giving ourselves until the summer to think about it, and if we still have mixed emotions we are just going to hold off for now. 

Andre did well with private swim lessons, but still refuses to sign back up for class swim lessons.  He still has a few fears of the water, but is getting better at trying to swim independently.  Unfortunately for him, all the sports he wants to play require you to be six years old, but I'm hoping he will want to try gymnastics or some sport that will get his energy out.  He still is having a few problems with his temper, but for the most part is getting better (or at least trying) at calming down before he gets too out of control with his anger.  I'm hopeful we will have his temper issues resolved before he goes to kindergarten in a year, and it should help to have him in preschool five days a week next year instead of two.  

That is a short recap of what we have been doing and what we are going to be doing this summer.  I will try to regularly post so I can keep everyone in the loop on the kids lives.  I'm also going to be adding some posts to try to catch up on winter activities for 2012-13 :)

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